Payment processing shouldn't be hard

We're building the future of payment processing. Our platform is catered to niche deployments, those in the food truck industry and other small businesses.

Simplified checkout experience

We've built our system with customers in mind

There is nothing more frustrating than an overwhelming checkout process. We've studied the industry and found ways to remove friction from the process. Customers will be able to purchase more of your products than ever before.

Instant Checkout

These days, we ask too much of our users. The most common payment platforms show too much information when all customers want to do is purchase your product. We've made it possible to purchase items without requiring login, registration, or manually entering information.

No email required

Nothing is more annoying that trying to purchase something from a vendor, and needing to answer 20 questions. Our system is able to identify customers without asking them for extra information. Tap to pay and they're on their way.

No more phone numbers

Phone numbers and SMS are antiquated, and require extra verification and time spent typing in numbers before purchases. Our system takes advantage of new platform standards. We can provide order updates without emails or phone numbers.

About us

On a mission to simplify niche markets

We've been working behind the scenes for the past year to introduce streamlined solutions to the most under served markets in payment processing. To-go orders, food trucks, pop up shops. We've found that current solutions are too complicated for merchants and customers alike.

  • Remove friction Setting up a new merchant account can be daunting. We've taken a white-glove approach and do it for you. Our products are specifically designed for niche use cases, and there isn't unlimited configuration to get lost in.
  • No Contracts Most providers want you to sign a contract. We don't believe this is needed and only makes it harder for you to leave if you're unhappy. We're confident in our product and don't need to lock you in.
  • Customer Satisfaction If customers aren't happy, you aren't making money. We take advantage of the newest features available on iOS, Android, and the web, to provide simpler experience than any of the bigger companies in our space.